Tap in to the energy of the Taurus full moon on Thursday November 18, 7-8:30pm. The event will be a nice balance of movement and relaxation. The first 45 minutes Kelsie will lead an all levels flow that is full of moon salutations, creative transitions, and clearing your energy on your mat! For the last 45 minutes we’ll have the joy of Renee guiding us through restorative yoga to ground back down and yoga nidra to end the night in complete zen. The Taurus full moon is about honoring your needs and directing yourself to fulfilling your wants and needs, aiming to satisfy all your senses. Manifesting and moving with a group only heightens the magical power of the Taurus full moon. $20 monthly recurring members/$25 for non-members. To register, please contact Renee. Call or text (706)818-1725 Email: exhalelakeoconee@gmail.com To pay via PayPal: paypal.me/exhaleyogaga