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"MAG goes BIG" Large Format Show // Madison Artists Guild

  • Madison Artists Guild 125 West Jefferson Street Madison, GA, 30650 United States (map)

Madison Artists Guild announces “MAG goes Big,” a new exhibition featuring large 2D works of ten of the gallery’s talented artists. This must-see exhibition runs through February 28. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 11 AM – 5 PM.

A variety of media are represented in MAG goes BIG - oil, pastels, acrylics, and photography – from participating MAGallery artists Alice Lee Andreottola, Charlotte Detienne, Ann Dodys, Kendal Jacques, Rita Knight, Louise Lauderdale, Dianne Lewis, Frances Pruitt, Fred Veal, and Lisa Wheeler.

For information, please visit, call MAGallery at 706-342-9360 or stop in at 125 W. Jefferson Street in Madison.

February 22

Music Bingo // Georgia Butts BBQ

February 23

Buck a Shuck Tuesday // Lake Oconee Bistro